Tag - Teaching English in Brazil

Teach English in Brazil: A How To Resource
Resources, Tips and Tricks to Teach English in Brazil
Self Employment Teaching English – Getting a Loyal Following
Choosing an English Teaching School in Brazil
3 Steps to Build a Website to Teach English – Part 2
3 Steps to Setup an Online English Teaching Site – Part 1
TESOL, TEFL Courses and other Guides in Brazil – Solving a Mystery!
English Teaching Jobs and Work in Brazil

Teach English in Brazil: A How To Resource

Teaching English in Brazil, teach, guide, esl, tefl, tesol, abroad, jobs

Powerful shortcuts and tricks to allow you to make a nice income to Teach English in Brazil offline or online!

If you clicked on this page, then you are no doubt worried about securing yourself an income that affords you the freedom to do live the paradisiacal lifestyle you always wanted.

Not everyone is fortunate enough to have been sent by a large multinational company to live in Brazil and this is why I think that they should consider teaching English.

ESL teaching won’t allow you to strike it rich or anything, though it will afford you a comfortable income .

And I’m not just talking about income, I’m talking about a job that allows you to be free as a bird – a job that you can take with you ANYWHERE in the world!

Well…It’s possible and I am going to spell out step-by-step EXACTLY how you can Teach English in Brazil! 

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Resources, Tips and Tricks to Teach English in Brazil

Tool, resource, trick, teaching This is the last officially programmed part of the “Teaching English in Brazil” series, which has been a large labor of love.  I have taken the best tips and tricks about teaching English that I know of or could find, compiled them and put them in this one blog post!

I wanted to give you the best “fat of the land” so to speak in regards to teaching English within one blog post.  With that said, these are the “best of” tips and tricks.

All of the tips and tricks assume that you have read the relevant parts of the “Teaching English in Brazil” series, if you need a refresher, then feel free to do so.

I did separate many of the parts of this series into different scenarios and I asked you to choose a scenario that fitted you in part 1 – it would be helpful to double check and make sure you remember which scenario you chose (or choose one) as I divided these tips and tricks according to the scenarios.

Here we go!

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Self Employment Teaching English – Getting a Loyal Following

There is no doubt that giving private English lessons is the most lucrative form for teaching English in Brazil – if not one of the most profitable and easiest jobs a foreigner can have.

But the roadblock I see most teachers encounter is how to have a reliable and loyal following of customers who show up on time, pay when they should and take the classes seriously.

Today, I am going to hit the root of these core problems and tell you how you can achieve this while teaching  private English lessons in Brazil.

This is part 6 of the “Teaching English in Brazil” guide and covers scenarios 3 through 5 from part 1 of the “Teaching English in Brazil” guide (Self Employed private lessons/teacher).

1. Be what your Customers aspire to

The first and most important part of creating a loyal following of customers when teaching English, is to be a sincere and honest person and most importantly, just to be you.

People can smell insincerity a mile away and know when someone is out just to benefit from them.  Think about it, how many pushy advertisements are you confronted with daily?  Actually, more than you may be aware; this is due to the fact that we are conditioned to appall pushy advertising and just ignore it.  We have some type of built in defense mechanism that goes up when we are approached by people who are out to get our money.

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Choosing an English Teaching School in Brazil

teaching, english, Brazil I get asked this question a lot by foreigners wanting to make it in Brazil “how do I get into an English school??””

Today, in part 5 of the “Teaching English in Brazil” series, I will show you what needs to happen in order to find an English school to teach in!

Like I’ve mentioned in the previous parts of this series, teaching English is probably one of the best and most lucrative options for foreigners that live in Brazil.

Here’s a little recap for ya: in part 1, I covered the different scenarios you would want to consider for teaching English in Brazil, in part 2 I covered the qualifications to get you started, and part 4 were all about how to get you a website up and running so that you can make money by teaching English online, whether abroad or in Brazil.

If you chose Scenario 1 – Work for an English school on their payroll or Scenario 2 – Work for an English school as a “private teacher” from part 1, then this is the guide for you!

1. Finding an English Teaching School

The first step in finding a suitable English teaching school, is to obviously figure out where you would imagine yourself teaching via research, your network and other means.

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3 Steps to Build a Website to Teach English – Part 2

This is basically a continuation from part 1 where I showed you how to lay down a foundation for your online shop utilizing GoDaddy’s domain service, BlueHost’s hosting and a StudioPress theme.

I mentioned last time in this Teaching English in Brazil series, about the importance of having an online presence when teaching English (or doing business) and some of the results it will give you, and today I am going to show you the final steps to start an easy website that can help you be lucrative when teaching online (or for advertising yourself).

The steps I will go over are specifically catered to an English teaching website but like I have mentioned before, can be used for other online business.

Keep in mind that this is based on a lot of research into what successful teachers are using out there.

This is where setting up your site gets more exciting as everything begins coming together!

Note: these how tos are based on products that I myself use, other successful online marketers use and are proven to work.  I stand by them but please do not feel that you have to purchase anything to be successful at teaching English. 

I really believe that by following these steps, it will launch you into a faster and more successful business.

Last time we went over the bare bones of how to get the foundation into place, and this time we will build upon it.

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3 Steps to Setup an Online English Teaching Site – Part 1

Brazil, teaching, guide, esl, tefl, tesol, English, abroad, jobs, website, domain, hosting, wordpress, theme, template Setting up a lucrative English teaching business (or any other business) starts with setting up a website. Today, most everything is done and found online and if you don’t have an online presence, you are missing out!

Here is what you can use an English Teaching website for – automization:

  • Utilize a webinar (a prerecorded or live online seminar) setup so that you can have countless students attend classes and charge for it via PayPal or the like.
  • Record a beginner English series and sell it as a package.
  • Use a newsletter to give out free English tips to your students and offer them deals, discounts and upcoming events.
  • Write an eBook on learning English and sell it on your website
  • Have an online calendar on your site (plugin from WordPress for example) for your current students in a members area so that they can sign up for classes when you are available
  • Have an introductory video on the site so they can get to know you (YouTube).
  • Create and maintain blogs so that your students can follow you and interact with you
  • Have your own personal and more professional looking e-mail address
  • To promote yourself to other parts of the country or abroad in teaching English
  • To be your online medium so that students don’t constantly call and bug you
  • Make your services well known
  • And so on!
This type of automation and online presence equals much more $$$, and like I mentioned in the first part of the series, you can start with it right away even before you have any type of visa to brazil.  That’s right, you can build up your English teaching business now and have a functional one before you arrive!

TESOL, TEFL Courses and other Guides in Brazil – Solving a Mystery!

Brazil, teaching, guide, esl, tefl, tesol, English, abroad, jobsThe great course confusion: what should I take to get qualified to teach English in Brazil?

So what qualifications will get you into a language school in Brazil?  What courses do you need to take in order to teach English privately?

Those are a couple of the many great questions surrounding the teaching of English in Brazil and I intend on demystifying them today!

But before you continue and if you haven’t, I recommend that you start by checking out the introduction at the hub by clicking here.

In part 1, I went over 5 different English teaching scenarios in Brazil and a general introduction to what they are.  I also asked you to pick one you can follow with through the rest of this series.

Do you remember which scenario it was?  If not, then you can get a refresher here

I will separate this part into 2 groups: qualifications for teaching at a school and qualifications for teaching privately.


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English Teaching Jobs and Work in Brazil

Brazil, teaching, guide, esl, tefl, tesol, English, abroad, jobs

Before you read part 1 of the English Teaching Guide, I would recommend taking a look at the introduction on the hub page .

You may have heard the saying “there’s more than one way to skin a cat”, well the same is true for teaching English as a second language (ESL).  What may work for one person may not work for another.

Whether you have experience or knowledge in teaching English or not, you can teach English.  I will go over the knowledge side in the next part but with that in mind, I would like to go over a few different typical “English Teaching Scenarios” so that you can see which one you best fit into.

*Note: I am not including public schools and universities as these aren’t typical scenarios.  They are very bureaucratic and Brazilians with degrees and vestibular as well as connections usually get hired.

Now before diving into these scenarios, keep in mind that you will need some type of a relevant visa allowing you to work (except scenario 5).


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