The Story of My Portuguese Fluency
LIB 011: How to Get a Job in Brazil with Ilya of BrazilCareerBlueprint
7 Reasons to Live in a Favela
LIB 010: Why You Should Move to São Paulo with Maggie Foxhole
How to Rent Any House or Apartment in Brazil
3 Things I’ve Learned Raising Trilingual Children
3 Tips to Live Safely in Brazil
LIB 009: Ben’s Success Story on Giving Birth in Brazil
The 3 Best Airlines (and 1 to Avoid) in Brazil
LIB 008: 3 Must Know Core Elements of the Brazilian Society

The Story of My Portuguese Fluency

learn Portuguese fluent, fluent in Portuguese

Me as a young squirt arriving in Brazil having learned Portuguese fluently.

I’ve told the story of how I learned Portuguese Fluently hundreds of times – at conferences, in person to thousands of different people – though today, I plan on going into more detail then ever before.


Because the brevity of those conversations usually ended in the other person getting the impression that I learned Portuguese fluently before stepping foot in Brazil, just by watching Brazilian soap operas on TV.  In all honesty the soap operas helped a lot, though there was much more to it then meets the eye for me to get …

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LIB 011: How to Get a Job in Brazil with Ilya of BrazilCareerBlueprint

Podcast-artrss When considering making the move to Brazil, “How to get a job” is probably on top priority on your to figure out list.

If you are alone in trying to find a job, you will most definitely need to know a-z on how to do so including:

  • Where to find a job
  • How to land the job
  • How to get a work visa
  • How to start your life
  • etc

This is where people like Ilya Brotzkey over at BrazilCareerBlueprint.com come in, he is someone who has been there and done that several times now and would like to show you how.

He has been so kind as to agree to be on today’s podcast and break down his story on how he was able to land several jobs in Brazil, get a visa sponsored and show us how we can do the same (did I mention that he’s only in his 20’s?).

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7 Reasons to Live in a Favela

Ever consider living in a favela (slum)? Most people haven’t due to the stereotypes of lacking safety etc given by national media.

Allow me to present you to someone who thinks otherwise and is here to convince you of the same. Elliot Rosenberg is a man who has decided to go against stereotypes and look at a favela for what it really is, he has gone to the extent of deciding to live in one and is here to give you 7 reasons why you should considering doing the same.  

Take it away Elliot!

If you believe everything you see in the news and movies, then you’d never want to set foot in a favela, let alone live in a favela. However, the reality is unlike what you’d imagine, to the point that hundreds of gringos are touring favelas every day and hundreds more are living in them right now. I’ve lived in Rio and Latin America’s largest favela, Rocinha, for three months now and know many foreigners who happily call the favelas their home. Definitely, there are challenges for both locals and gringos who live in these communities. Nonetheless, the favelas’ welcoming culture, inexpensive prices, good locations, and more make them excellent options whether you’re teaching English, studying on exchange, volunteering in non-profits, or starting a business. So, before you sign that year-long, R$2,000 monthly lease for a closet-sized cell in Copacabana, consider these reasons to live in a favela.

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LIB 010: Why You Should Move to São Paulo with Maggie Foxhole

Living in São Paulo São Paulo is not only Brazil’s largest city but one of the biggest cities on this planet.

Usually people fall into two categories when considering São Paulo to live: they love or they hate it.

I’ve usually fit into category 2 in the past, but after talking to author and blogger Maggie Foxhole, she made me realize that São Paulo is not such a bad place after all!

So check out this podcast as Maggies tells us why you should consider moving to São Paulo.

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How to Rent Any House or Apartment in Brazil

alugo Today, I’m going to teach you how to rent any house or apartment you want, even if you’re a foreigner.

“Kevin, how can I find a house or apartment to rent in Brazil?”

This is one of the top questions that people ask me and it’s time to show you exactly how I have been able to not only secure house and apartment rentals for myself, but others too (note: even on a tourist visa!).

And there are 3 ways that this can be done

  • Private rentals (owner to you)
  • Imobiliária (owner – agent – you)
  • Temporary (owner or company to you for a few months)

So without further ado, let’s break these three options down for you!

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3 Things I’ve Learned Raising Trilingual Children

If you are a parent then you know all to well how important it is to stimulate your child’s language development, though what happens when you live abroad and are responsible for this alone?

This is the reality for us expats who live in a different country and would like to give our children the gift of a second language.

Let’s let you in on a little secret that most people don’t know when raising bilingual children: they don’t get confused by speaking several languages, as a matter of fact, they could keep learning languages!

My children speak 3 languages fluently: Danish, English and Portuguese and along this journey there have been a lot of challenges – kind of like a science experiment in many ways.

Here is the first thing I’ve learned so far in raising my trilingual children:

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3 Tips to Live Safely in Brazil

Safe in Brazil Bullet-ridden buildings and weapon wielding favela gang members is one of the first images a foreigner has when pondering the safety of Brazil.

Imagine this instead: walking around at night without a worry in the world about safety as you smile and greet passers-by, all while witnessing the sunset on the beach as the waves crash at your feet.

This is the reality of my life in Brazil as I’ve never been subjected to any type of violent crime – paradise is safe for me and can be for you too.

This truth is that mass media has been spoon feeding us biased images of “what sells” vs. what things really can be like. There are many wonderful places to live in Brazil that are relatively crime free.

So in light of that and to serve a bit of justice, you are going to get my 3 best tips on how to live safely in Brazil.

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LIB 009: Ben’s Success Story on Giving Birth in Brazil

Giving birth in Brazil Today you are going to hear about how Ben successfully came to Brazil, gave birth and created a wonderful life from scratch.

The coolest part of having this site is meeting all sorts of new and amazing people through it, and one of these people is a man by the name of Ben.

Ben has been following this blog for a while and was one of the first people to contact me about giving birth in Brazil.  As a matter of fact, he was the main fuel for creating the “Giving Birth in Brazil” series of blog posts.

So I’ve been accompanying his story from the beginning and watched him go from 0 to happily situated in Brazil and made him promise to let me interview him after his child was born 🙂

And now that he has successfuly gone through everything, he’s so gracefully decided to tell us how we can do the same and what we can learn from his mistakes.

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The 3 Best Airlines (and 1 to Avoid) in Brazil

airlinesweb Whether you live in Brazil or are just visiting, it’s a great idea to know these 3 best airlines for traveling around the country so that you can get where you want in an effective and safe way – and avoid my mistake.

I should probably note that these 3 best airlines are taken from my personal experience of traveling in Brazil together with feedback from this community and within this post you will hear of 1 dramatic experience when flying TAM…

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LIB 008: 3 Must Know Core Elements of the Brazilian Society

Core elements of the Brazilian Society There are 3 core elements within the Brazilian society that are so intertwined with it, that they are the backbone of all that happens: jeitinho, friendships and service.

And as a foreigner, one of the most important things you can do for your success is to understand these elements, how they function and how you can use them to your benefit and the benefit of others.

What you may not know, is that these three “cultural” aspects are very foreign to our way of life yet an important part of daily Brazilian life – the catalyst for many cultural misunderstandings.

So why is Brazilian “jeitinho”, friendships and services the core elements? let me show you in today’s podcast.

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