Category - Giving Birth in Brazil

LIB 009: Ben’s Success Story on Giving Birth in Brazil
Having Our Baby in Brazil – a Success Story
Part 7: After Giving Birth in Brazil, Here’s What You Do Next
Part 6: Before and During Birth – Getting Ready and What to Expect
Part 5: Choosing Insurance When Giving Birth in Brazil
Part 4: Prices for Giving Birth in Brazil
Part 3: Finding a Doctor and a Hospital to Give Birth
Part 2: Choosing a City to Give Birth In + Housing and Logistics
Part 1: Planning to Have a Baby in Brazil – What You Must Know
The Giving Birth in Brazil Series: A-Z on Having a Baby in Brazil

LIB 009: Ben’s Success Story on Giving Birth in Brazil

Giving birth in Brazil Today you are going to hear about how Ben successfully came to Brazil, gave birth and created a wonderful life from scratch.

The coolest part of having this site is meeting all sorts of new and amazing people through it, and one of these people is a man by the name of Ben.

Ben has been following this blog for a while and was one of the first people to contact me about giving birth in Brazil.  As a matter of fact, he was the main fuel for creating the “Giving Birth in Brazil” series of blog posts.

So I’ve been accompanying his story from the beginning and watched him go from 0 to happily situated in Brazil and made him promise to let me interview him after his child was born 🙂

And now that he has successfuly gone through everything, he’s so gracefully decided to tell us how we can do the same and what we can learn from his mistakes.

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Having Our Baby in Brazil – a Success Story

There we were, a family of four looking for a way to get our feet back into the country we loved.

Long over were the days of overstaying tourist visas and other temporary stays, we needed something permanent and lasting.

The problem was that I was American and my wife Danish, meaning that visas would be difficult, the frustration ensued…

I will never forget that one evening where I was sitting in front of my computer and trying to figure out a way to get back into the country legally, which had become a daily ritual by that point.

And suddenly *BAM* there it was, the answer I had been looking for all this time lay right in front of my four eyes (reading glasses)!

Any baby born within the boarders of Brazilian territory, automatically , what’s even more, the parents of the Brazilian child can legally stay in the country permanently as a Brazilian child has the right to live in his/her country.

We ended up taking a leap of (blind) faith and booking our flight tickets to give birth in Brazil even before my wife was pregnant.

And so the journey began…

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Part 7: After Giving Birth in Brazil, Here’s What You Do Next

An example of how an infant's passport will look

An example of how an infant’s passport will look

I’ll never forget holding my swaddled little baby girl for the first time while gazing over the beach from our apartment window.

As I was looking at her, a culmination of feelings hit me but one main feeling stood out above others: “This little girl is beautiful…and she’s Brazilian!”

Then the sense of accomplishment hit me like a ton of bricks, all of these months of planning and hard work to make that one moment happen were over… and the mission was accomplished – we had a Brazilian child.

So the hardest part was over and the next steps would be a piece of cake compared to what we had to go through to figure out everything alone – which you hopefully wont have to with this guide I’ve made for you.

After having gone through these next steps, I’ve decided to share them with you today.

Here they are:

  1. Get a birth certificate.
  2. Get a passport for the baby.
  3. Apply for residence.

Note: if you haven’t read any of the previous posts in this series, I would recommend that you check out the main page first

Note 2: your baby receives citizenship upon birth regardless of the parents’ citizenship!

Let’s do this!

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Part 6: Before and During Birth – Getting Ready and What to Expect

So you’ve settled down in a certain area, chosen a doctor and hospital and are well aware of the financial and insurance obligations with having a baby in Brazil.

What’s to expect next?

Today, I am going to give you a great idea of how the pre-natal and delivery happens so that you can have a secure feeling of what to expect.

I will never forget my surprise when first being introduced to the Brazilian way of having a baby.

Though people were super happy, helpful and surprised whenever they saw that my wife was pregnant, it just seemed that it was looked at more as a condition that could only be treated by a doctor.

Don’t get me wrong, I know that the right doctor will be competent and helpful, it was just a shock to see people’s views towards the pregnancy (both good and bad).

Back where my wife comes from (Denmark), pregnant women are treated much differently both in and out of a hospital.

For the first part, you get taken care of by midwifes the whole way through and rarely see the doctor – if at all.

And secondly, the midwives are focused on keeping things as natural as possible.  Whereas in Brazil, it’s views as needing to be done clinically.

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Part 5: Choosing Insurance When Giving Birth in Brazil

A look inside one of the suites at Hospital Ilha, Florianópolis

A look inside one of the suites at Hospital Ilha, Florianópolis

So you’re considering having a baby in Brazil (or having one) and wondering what your insurance options are.

  • Will travel insurance cover any of your birth? 
  • What about Brazilian health insurance? 
  • Are you covered if you give birth in a public hospital?

Today, your questions will be answered and you will walk away a very informed person.

This is Part 5 of the Giving Birth in Brazil Series, you can see the other parts at the main page.

Let’s get to those three above areas and let you know what your options are.

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Part 4: Prices for Giving Birth in Brazil


Dreaming of giving birth in Brazil?

Today, I am going to give you a great idea of how much it costs to give birth in Brazil.

This is part 4 of The Giving Birth in Brazil Series.

When considering giving birth in Brazil, the first questions I usually get is about how much it costs.

And this was actually one of our main concerns and questions when we considered giving birth in Brazil – it is an important one!

Here is what I am going to address in this post:

  1. How much a hospital birth costs
  2. How much a home birth costs

And in the next post I will cover insurance options.

Let’s get this ball rolling!

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Part 3: Finding a Doctor and a Hospital to Give Birth

Hospital Ilha in Florianópolis, one of the private hospitals we recommend.

Hospital Ilha in Florianópolis, one of the private hospitals we recommend.

The absolutely most important part of your pregnancy and birth in Brazil, is to make sure that you have a great Doctor or midwife that you can trust.

And along with that comes the hospital you choose.  So how do you find a great doctor and hospital?

Today I am going to tell you how.

This part 3 of the Giving Birth in Brazil Series – make sure to check out the main page to catch up on earlier posts.

Time and time again, I’ve heard stories of people who think they found a great doctor to later discover that he is out to serve his own best interests.

Our experience was wonderful and I owe that to the advice I’m about to give you.

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Part 2: Choosing a City to Give Birth In + Housing and Logistics

What is the best and safest city to give birth in, in Brazil and what about housing and logistics?

Today I am going to continue the Giving Birth in Brazil Series and lay out what I believe to be the best birthing cities in Brazil as well as give you my advice on optimal housing and logistics for your pregnancy and delivery.

Brazil is a huge country with a lot of variety, and included in the variety is hospital quality, doctoral care (which I will cover in more detail in the next post), and accessibility for a pregnant woman.

And by accessibility, I’m referring to how easy it is to get to and from the hospital and how what will allow you to be able to live as worry free as possible being pregnant.

So what is the best combination of city + housing + logistics to facilitate your pregnancy and delivery?

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Part 1: Planning to Have a Baby in Brazil – What You Must Know

What are some things you must know when planning on having a Baby in Brazil?

In Part 1 of the Giving Birth in Brazil Series, I will be covering must knows such as: Birthing in Brazil in a nutshell, being pregnant in Brazil, flying while pregnant and immigration, what kind of visa you should have.

Maybe you are currently in Brazil and the thought of giving birth there is not so foreign or maybe you aren’t in Brazil and the thought of giving birth there is very foreign?

Either way, there are some very common things that you must know in order to avoid problems and make everything as smooth as possible.

No matter what though, the most important piece of advice I can give you to start with is to keep your eyes on the goal: delivering a beautiful, healthy Brazilian baby.

If you aren’t sure why you should have a Baby in Brazil, make sure you check out the hub page for this series titled “Why Have a Baby in Brazil” – instant citizenship for the child plus permanent residency is a couple of reasons.

Birthing in Brazil in a Nutshell

In most countries, the common and preferred method of delivery is via natural birth.

I once heard a statistic claiming that up to 90% of births in Brazil are delivered via Cesarean. Wow!

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The Giving Birth in Brazil Series: A-Z on Having a Baby in Brazil

In this series, I am going to lay out exactly from A-Z, how you as a foreigner can have a baby in Brazil.

I mean everything: entering the country pregnant, health insurance, hospitals, doctors, best birthing cities, housing, costs, visas, risks, benefits, the birthing process, after birth must-know information, citizenship for the baby, health coverage for the baby and more.

If you are considering having a baby in Brazil, then this series is a must read.

As many have read about in the ‘about me‘ section of this website, I met my wife in Brazil but she isn’t Brazilian.  This meant that immigration and permanent residence would be a bit trickier for us.

Due to our love affair with the country, we were determined to find an easy and permanent solution to our problem.

You know the old saying “where there is a will, there is a way”?  This couldn’t be truer for us.

So what do you do when you both are foreigners wanting to live in Brazil and planning on having a child anyway? You have that baby in Brazil!

Why Have a Baby in Brazil?

BAM: instant citizenship for the child and permanent visas for the Brazilian child’s parents!

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