Tag - Brazilian Visa

Overstaying a Tourist Visa in Brazil: What to Do When Illegal
LIB 004: Getting a Investment Visa in Brazil with Sam Flowers of Gringocafe.com
How to Get a Student Visa to Study Portuguese
Part 7: After Giving Birth in Brazil, Here’s What You Do Next
3 Must Knows About A Brazilian Tourist Visa
5 Easy Visa Types for Living in Brazil

Overstaying a Tourist Visa in Brazil: What to Do When Illegal

Have you been wondering what happens if you are living on an expired tourist visa in Brazil and what to do in that “illegal” situation?

E-mails come to me regularly from numerous foreigners that live or are considering living illegally in Brazil on an expired tourist visa.  And I usually get asked advice on what visa to switch to or apply for or what the consequences for overstaying your tourist visa would be.

And hey, if you’re in this situation, I’m not here to judge you but only help.

So today I will be addressing those questions and advising you on what you can do in this situation including how to pay the fine if you do overstay.

But first, let’s talk about the limits of a tourist visa and how far you can go on one.

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LIB 004: Getting a Investment Visa in Brazil with Sam Flowers of Gringocafe.com

Investor visa For those with around $75,000 (R$150,000) to invest into the Brazilian economy, you can secure yourself permanent residence status while opening or building a business.

The Brazilian government allows you to get an Investor Visa just by investing into the economy.  This is a popular visa amongst career professionals but there are some important aspect of getting this visa that they won’t tell you about…

Here is where Sam Flowers comes into the picture, owner and operator of the Brazilian diner “Gringo Café”, he has gone through this process, employed several Brazilians and currently lives a picturesque Gringo life at Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro.

You will want to take heed to his words as Sam tells his amazing story of how he got to Brazil, made it through the Investment Visa process and opened his business.

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How to Get a Student Visa to Study Portuguese

What if I told you that you could easily live in Brazil and study Portuguese 4 hours a week from a known University?

You would get to stay in Brazil on a student visa, learn the language you already want to and extend your visa as many times as you need!

This is known as the “Secret Permanent Residence Visa” and is easier to get then you think.

Let me bring you through the step-by-step help so that you can get closer to your dreams.

But First, A Little “WHY”

Yesterday on my Facebook page, I asked the following question:

And to my surprise, I got the following answers right away (the name “Jonathan IfeelReally White” still cracks me up!):

What stood out to me was Travis’ answer (highlighted above).  Having gone through this myself, I can really identify with this feeling of wanting and needing to move to Brazil.  Carrying that feeling around on a daily basis weighs on you and makes you feel as if you are missing your full potential.

So I officially dedicate this post to you Travis!

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Part 7: After Giving Birth in Brazil, Here’s What You Do Next

An example of how an infant's passport will look

An example of how an infant’s passport will look

I’ll never forget holding my swaddled little baby girl for the first time while gazing over the beach from our apartment window.

As I was looking at her, a culmination of feelings hit me but one main feeling stood out above others: “This little girl is beautiful…and she’s Brazilian!”

Then the sense of accomplishment hit me like a ton of bricks, all of these months of planning and hard work to make that one moment happen were over… and the mission was accomplished – we had a Brazilian child.

So the hardest part was over and the next steps would be a piece of cake compared to what we had to go through to figure out everything alone – which you hopefully wont have to with this guide I’ve made for you.

After having gone through these next steps, I’ve decided to share them with you today.

Here they are:

  1. Get a birth certificate.
  2. Get a passport for the baby.
  3. Apply for residence.

Note: if you haven’t read any of the previous posts in this series, I would recommend that you check out the main page first

Note 2: your baby receives citizenship upon birth regardless of the parents’ citizenship!

Let’s do this!

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3 Must Knows About A Brazilian Tourist Visa

Since receiving numerous e-mails with questions about tourist visas, I’ve decided to reveal 3 must knows about a Brazilian tourist Visa today!

After reading the tourist visa section in Joe’s Book “Brazil for Life”, or as I refer to it “The Foreigner’s Bible to Brazil”, questions many of you have been asking me surfaced.

I cant promise you that I will go over every intimate detail on how the visa works, how to apply step-by-step, and tourist-visa combos like Joe does – I’m not into plagiarising anyway 😉

But, I’ve decided to take action today and answer your questions by exposing these 3 must known aspects of a tourist visa, right now.

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5 Easy Visa Types for Living in Brazil

So, you want an easy way for living in Brazil for longer than 6 months but don’t what types of Brazilian Visas let you?  Let me see if I can solve that problem for you in this post!

I run into this type of scenario constantly: Chris travels to Brazil, spends 3 months there and loves it.  He then goes to the and extends his Brazilian tourist visa for 3 months more.  As the months go by he becomes desperate, he wants to stay but can’t figure out what types of Brazilian Visas will let him!

After a 6 month love affair with the country he gets onto an airplane, feeling like he left his heart behind together with all the friendships and experiences.

Figuring out  types can be a pain in the royal a-hole, and don’t get me started on the waiting period… But not if you know some loopholes and tricks that I will now show you!

UPDATE: since writing this post, a lot of developments have happened within the visa area.  Therefore, I’ve created an .

An Inconvenient Truth

The sad truth is that Governments don’t really care how you feel; they only care about the rules that they put into place.  And to be honest, most immigration rules are set based on visa (a smart way of saying “America makes it difficult for Brazilians, so we will make it difficult for Americans too!!”)

The ugly thing about bureaucracy is that you are not the center of focus, BUT the one beautiful thing about bureaucracy (and especially in Brazil) is finding loopholes.  So many rules contradict others that it would literally be impossible to follow them all!

I will cover 5 different types of visa “” scenarios and tell you how each one could benefit you in order to attain your dreams!

Disclaimer: any advice I give here is purely informational – use it at your own risk.  I neither approve of nor am asking you to do anything illegal or against traditional wisdom…  ESPECIALLY loophole #5!  Ok, now that’s out of the way 😉

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