Teach English in Brazil: A How To Resource

Teaching English in Brazil, teach, guide, esl, tefl, tesol, abroad, jobs

Powerful shortcuts and tricks to allow you to make a nice income to Teach English in Brazil offline or online!

If you clicked on this page, then you are no doubt worried about securing yourself an income that affords you the freedom to do live the paradisiacal lifestyle you always wanted.

Not everyone is fortunate enough to have been sent by a large multinational company to live in Brazil and this is why I think that they should consider teaching English.

ESL teaching won’t allow you to strike it rich or anything, though it will afford you a comfortable income .

And I’m not just talking about income, I’m talking about a job that allows you to be free as a bird – a job that you can take with you ANYWHERE in the world!

Well…It’s possible and I am going to spell out step-by-step EXACTLY how you can Teach English in Brazil! 

To give you a little inside information: members of our community have been using these “trade secrets” for years in order to put food on their plates, surfboards in the water and gas in their tanks!  Because this is a little area reserved specifically for us that no Brazilian’s can really fill.

This is because an English teacher is most desirable when native (though a foreigner good at English is good too).

In reality, it is no real secret, I mean it’s so simple that I think a monkey could figure it out (I have always had a suspicion that they employ actual monkeys in many of the “English” schools abroad – why else is their English so bad?)

Developing countries like Brazil are flourishing and their people are starving for native or near native English teachers, the supply just cannot meet the demand!

With the World Cup and Olympics on their way, that demand is like nothing seen before – they want you.

It’s tough being a foreigner in Brazil….

After people discover that I’m American, the first question that flies out of their mouth is usually “do you Teach English in Brazil??”.

ESL, teaching, English

Imagine people lining up to throw these your way 🙂

I have literally had people try and throw money at me to get me to give them private English lessons- to which I turned them down as I had enough business at the time.

So you as a foreigner need to learn how to monetize your foreigner advantage so that you can make it work for you in Brazil.

But Teaching English in Brazil is not for everyone!

English teaching requires a lot of work and investment both time and money-wise until it bears fruit.

I in no way want you to think that just by arriving, that you are qualified to teach English in Brazil!

Though this doesn’t at all mean that you need to have an ESL degree or anything to begin teaching, a simple and cost effective ESL course like I-to-I would be sufficient as you get the tools, materials and network you would need to get started.

This English Teaching Guide

In these series of posts, I am going to happily walk you through how to successfully teach English in Brazil based on what has worked for me in the past, what other’s are doing and what current demand is.

But before we dive into that: how about a silly video?

Did the video help make the opportunities out there clearer?

This “ESL Teaching” Guide will be divided into several parts:

Part 1: Preparing to Teach English in Brazil – Jobs and Work in Brazil

In this first part, you get an idea of what jobs and work is to be had out there and where you would fit in.

Part 2: Preparing to Teach English in Brazil – TESOL, TEFL Courses and other Guides

In the second part, we look at the different requirements and courses offered out that and what “qualification” schools generally require.

Part 3: Setting up Your Online Shop, Laying the foundation

In the third part, we take a look at building a website focused on teaching English so that you can give online classes.

Part 4: Setting up Your Online Shop, Building your Website

On this part we put finishing touches on an online structure so that you can give online classes.

Part 5: Choosing an English Teaching School

If you are considering teaching ESL at a school, how should you find one and what do you need to know in order to get yourself a job there?

Part 6: Being Self Employed Teaching English, Getting a Loyal Following

Being self employed is the most lucrative within the ESL scene but it can be the most hectic too, this will cover how to get a loyal following of students.

Part 7: Resources, Tips and Tricks!

The last part of this series is focused on giving you the necessary tools to help you be successful as an English teacher, this is based on a lot of research into what is working and what worked for me.

English teaching tools, resources

It’s all about having the right tool, for the right job!

Cheers, best regards and please share the love!


About the author



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  • Wow Kevin! This is exactly what I was looking for. I’m a Canadian and just love Brazil. I’m ready to bail out on winter and last year started my ESL path and soon will be CELTA and TESL Canada certified. I’m on my way….
    Keep it coming 🙂

    • Oi Patricia, tudo bem?

      Feel you about the northern climates, Brazil is the polar opposite and wont let you down in that regard 🙂

      Good to hear – if you are CELTA and TESL certified, you have a good toolset to get you started! I will be going over that in the next part.

      Where you thinking about starting in, in Brazil?


      • Kevin! 🙂 My name is Samantha, I’m coming to Brazil in May for the World Cup and I have a million questions for you about teaching! if you could email me that would be amazing !

  • In reality, it is no real secret, I mean it’s so simple that I think a
    monkey could figure it out (I have always had a suspicion that they
    employ actual monkeys in many of the “English” schools abroad – why else
    is their English so bad?)

  • If I just do the TEFL course, is it necessary for me to have a university degree? As I have not finished my degree.

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