Archive - September 2012

3 Lies Keeping You From Speaking Portuguese – and How To Defeat Them!
How to Find a Used Car Online in Brazil
How to Send Packages to Brazil Tax Free
5 Easy Steps to Get a Cell Phone Number in Brazil

3 Lies Keeping You From Speaking Portuguese – and How To Defeat Them!

As much as we want this world to be perfect and peaceful, it isn’t.

The cold hard truth is that it is full of small people who tell big lies.

Big lies that end up spreading like fungus, infecting and infiltrating many do-good, well deserving people – and you may be one of these victims, I was….

I remember believing three things about speaking Portuguese, that it would be way too difficult of a thing to do, that I could never afford it and that I didn’t have the time.

LIES – all of them!

It wasn’t until I made a huge discovery, that some amazing events happened, leading me to speak Portuguese super easy and in under 6 months!

And it all started with a little American child who spoke fluent Portuguese…

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How to Find a Used Car Online in Brazil

Used car Brazil There are few things more important than finding a good used car while in Brazil.

I’m sure you’ve heard of stories where people or make bad buying decisions where you come from, but imagine increasing the risk of this happening many times over by stepping into a new country, new market and new way of doing things.

My job is help you make good decisions and avoid any headaches related to finding or purchasing a used car in Brazil.

And today is no exception, I’m going to show you how to find a used car online and research to see if it has any debt, tickets and a clean title.

I guess this will be part 1 of two as I will need to make one more post about how to buy the car once you’ve found it (trust me, it will take a whole post to describe it too!).

What Cars to Look For

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How to Send Packages to Brazil Tax Free

So you’ve been in Brazil for a while and have been hit by the 60% tax on everything that comes into the country?

Today I am going to show exactly what little simple loophole you can use to get around that, so you can send or receive packages to Brazil tax-free!

But before I continue, I would like to tell you a little story….

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5 Easy Steps to Get a Cell Phone Number in Brazil

Calling, mobile phone, brazil Misconception: you have to be a resident, have a CPF number and bank account to get a mobile number in Brazil.

Truth: FALSE, anyone can get a cellular number in Brazil – even a tourist!

Today I will lay out 5 easy steps so you can get a prepaid number in no time.

The first reaction you will have when being introduced to prepaid cellular phones in Brazil is “wow, are they really that expensive!?” to which my answer is “yes, they are”.

Calling on your cell phone is generally a very expensive affair costing a bit over $R1.50 per minute (about 75 US cents) for a prepaid phone, but can go all the way down to $R .25 (about 12 US cents) per minute if you and the person you are calling are on the same network.

But the truth is that you need a way to communicate and be communicated while on the go in Brazil, therefore it’s important that you choose a cell phone operator that suites you.

Let me show you how in these next 5 easy steps!

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