Archive - September 2013

How to be a Local Celebrity in Brazil
3 Ways to Networking Success in Brazil
Must Have Tools to Learn Portuguese
3 Barriers to Annihilate When Moving to Brazil

How to be a Local Celebrity in Brazil

Maringá Hollywood Looking for a way out of the mundane and into something extraordinary?

Today, I’m going to tell you a story of how an average Joe took his boring life and transformed it into something amazing.

It all started years ago back in a mundane 9–8 job in the USA, where our man “Jeff” was working 60 hours a week serving the lifestyle he had learned was “the right way to live”.

The truth is that it wasn’t Jeff’s cup of tea and he was ready to move from an ordinary, stress-full lifestyle into a life full of love and acceptance.

You see, Jeff valued personal relationships over tasks and pure routine – what would await him in the little city of Maringá, Paraná would shock and surprise him forever…

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3 Ways to Networking Success in Brazil

success in Brazil Success in Brazil is all about who you know.

I’ve never been a great natural networker, maybe it was due to me being a bit of a homeschooled goober growing up or possibly due to the fact that I didn’t see the importance of it…

Whatever the reason, I did the ol’ proverbial face-plant after arriving in Brazil!


Because being self-reliant is something that only functions in “cold” countries, whereas being inter-reliant is vital to success in Brazil. You see, at the core of the Brazilian society lays a strong social inter-dependance that makes relying on each other necessary. Some say that this inter-dependance has come about due to unreliable social services and governmental bureaucracy, others say that it is just the way Brazilian people are.

Either way, this is something that hit me like a ton of bricks about it’s importance lickity-split after arriving in Brazil. It’s the catalyst to your job opportunities, getting things done and having a happy, fulfilled life in Brazil.

So without further ado, here’s 3 tips to get you up and building a successful network – or as Brazilians refer to it “amizades” (friendships).

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Must Have Tools to Learn Portuguese

Portuguese tools, portuguese learning 101 We all know that a successful lifestyle connected to, or living in Brazil requires that you , though with a jungle of resources out there, it’s hard to know where to start and which dots to connect.

Personally, I’ve been through many different experiences, programs and courses in my quest to learn Portuguese and it was quite a challenge to figure out the best path to fluency.

I tried courses like Rosetta Stone, Pimsluer, a Portuguese language academy, grammar books, memory games – all without success. Although my breakthrough came in an unexpected form.

It was through a series of techniques that I’m going to share with you today. 

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3 Barriers to Annihilate When Moving to Brazil

grenade The idea of living in eternal summer surrounded by caring people who want to live life to its fullest sounds nice right?

Though we all know that dropping everything we know and making the switch to living in Brazil required more then just “wanting to do so”. Arriving in Brazil without a place to stay, source of income, solid visa or could be the proverbial “stick in our spokes” that sends us flying.

What if you could keep that stick from entering your spokes and be able to cruise in peace and happiness, would you take those actions?

Based on the 1000’s of e-mails I’ve received since starting this site, I’m going to answer the top 3 problems that we face in this community and give you solutions so that you can sleep soundly at night 🙂

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