Archive - March 5, 2013

How to Get a Student Visa to Study Portuguese

How to Get a Student Visa to Study Portuguese

What if I told you that you could easily live in Brazil and study Portuguese 4 hours a week from a known University?

You would get to stay in Brazil on a student visa, learn the language you already want to and extend your visa as many times as you need!

This is known as the “Secret Permanent Residence Visa” and is easier to get then you think.

Let me bring you through the step-by-step help so that you can get closer to your dreams.

But First, A Little “WHY”

Yesterday on my Facebook page, I asked the following question:

And to my surprise, I got the following answers right away (the name “Jonathan IfeelReally White” still cracks me up!):

What stood out to me was Travis’ answer (highlighted above).  Having gone through this myself, I can really identify with this feeling of wanting and needing to move to Brazil.  Carrying that feeling around on a daily basis weighs on you and makes you feel as if you are missing your full potential.

So I officially dedicate this post to you Travis!

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