How to Send Packages to Brazil Tax Free

So you’ve been in Brazil for a while and have been hit by the 60% tax on everything that comes into the country?

Today I am going to show exactly what little simple loophole you can use to get around that, so you can send or receive packages to Brazil tax-free!

But before I continue, I would like to tell you a little story….

A while back, a good friend of mine had been living as a volunteer in Brazil for many years.  He was dependent on donations and support in order to carry on doing what he did and things were usually pretty tight month after month.

An acquaintance of his saw his struggles, good heart and service, and wanted to help out!  He and his wife back in the USA put together a box full of amazing things.

I remember that it had clothes, special American treats he couldn’t get in Brazil and one little thing that set off the customs alarm – a little tablet device!

This couple back in the USA sent this package out of the goodness of their hearts and really meant well – they wanted it to be a surprise.  A surprise is what they wanted and a surprise is what he got!

The package arrived in Brazil at the post office, my friend then got a letter in the mail with a shocking message “your package from Tom Johnson has arrived, in order to pick it up, you will need to pay a customs fee of $R276.00”

$R276!!!!! (That’s about $140 USD)

The value of the contents on the American market was probably around $125…so, he forked over the $R276 to the post office from his already struggling account, and got his package…

This is something that you will want to avoid like the plague!  Sometimes the customs agent values and taxes it based on what the price list on the internet says or sometimes he just makes a value up if he can’t find a price.

How does Brazil’s Import Taxes function?

Brazil would rather produce their own nationalized products rather than import other countries’ products.

So whenever anything non-exempt of tax is imported into the country, you are subject to pay the following taxes (note: the below links are in Portuguese, you can use to aid you):

  • 20%
  • 20%
  • 1.65%
  • 3%
  • +/- 18%

So basically a bunch of different “fees” and taxes that will make you pay over 60% of the original “declared” value unless…

You utilize a loophole so that you can avoid all of these taxes:  Any item declared under $50 and marked as “gift” is tax free.  This is also true for books and CDs of any value.

Here is how you do it in 3 simple steps:

1. Filling the Package up

Here is the first and most important thing you need to know when sending a package: don’t lie! (not that you would of course)

The will scan or open the package if it looks suspicious – so be as transparent as possible.

Here are a few good things to fill a package with that slip through:

  • Spices, dressings etc
  • Packaged food items
  • Vitamins
  • Hair products, perfume, lotions etc
  • Clothing
  • Other “non-technology” items

This basically means that you can send items that you may normally use “day to day” without much worry.

I once received a huge moving box full of these types of things, I mean FULL to the brim, without getting charged any tax.

Things that the customs people generally keep an eye on are:

  • Technology of any sort
  • Watches
  • Sunglasses
  • Other potentially resalable items

In other words, make sure if you send the above, that it costs less than 50 bucks – it’s even better if you have some type of price tag still on the item.

The size of the box doesn’t matter, just the value of its contents.

When you are packing the contents and writing the address on the package, here are a couple of tips based on experience:

  1. Pack the items in a plastic waterproof bag inside the box.
  2. Cover the “To” and “From” addresses in clear packing tape.

The reason I say the above, is due to the fact that I once had a package arrive, which had been either completely submerged in water or soaked in the rain, the only legible thing left on the package was the “To” address!

2. Declaring and Sending the Package

When you go to the post office to declare the package, make sure that you declare AND it for under $50 – if you insure it for more, a red flag will be raised and you could risk the receiver paying tax.

When asked to declare the items in the box and quantities etc, be observant of the following:

  • Don’t declare item for item, make a summary of the items and write the value.
  • Make sure that the total is under $50 dollars, but don’t write $49.99 – that just looks suspicious.
  • Insure the package if you are worried about it not arriving.
  • Don’t ever send anything irreplaceable via the post office, only use a courier service for this type of thing!
  • The sending option you choose doesn’t really matter as it can take some time to get through customs.

Once the package has been sent, expect up to 3-4 weeks for it to arrive.  My experience is that it can take anywhere from 7-8 days (if it doesn’t get stuck in customs) to 4 weeks (if it get’s stuck).  Obviously you want to plan on the worst case scenario and hope for the best.

3. Receiving the Package

If the package is small enough and it doesn’t get stuck in customs, it is usually delivered directly to the receivers door.

If it is a larger package or one you need to pay import tax on, then you have to bring a little slip they will mail to you, to the post office.

If you get charged import tax, then take the little slip with you to the post office and wait to be attended to.  After you are attended to, give them the slip and payment amount written on it.  You can usually pay with either cash or Credit Card.

Here is a video I made on how to find a “Correios” post office:

(Click to watch on YouTube)

Final words

This is a shorter but more practical post today – but very important in my eyes.

Anyone who is planning on staying in Brazil for a long amount of time or knows someone who is, can make use of this information.

Please make sure and like and share this post if it was helpful!

What is your experience with sending or receiving packages to Brazil – anything you could share?

Valeu – all the best!



About the author



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  • Hello,

    Wanted to know whether kitchen appliances would be an issue — b/c I surely don’t wish to pay anything to pick up a box when there…
    Items, I’m thinking about are: toaster oven, possible small microwave and some Cuisinart stuff like, blenders…etc…
    Also, sticking in there some small rolling tables and lamps…


    note: I’m planning to leave to Rio by next year around this time.

    Thank you for your help!!!

    • Hey Moni,

      The first thing to consider is the voltage of the appliances you are wanting to take, are they 220v or 110v (or both)? In Rio it is 110v.

      The second is the type of visa you are coming on, is it a permanent residence visa or are you a returning Brazilian? If that is the case, then you can as much as you like tax free in a container.

      If you are coming on a different type of visa, then you could risk being taxed. I would recommend paying for extra luggage and bringing them with you on the airplane.

      But in a nutshell, bringing appliances with you is very much worth it – the quality of appliances in Brazil is generally poor and extremely expensive. So bring whatever you can and only buy what you have to after arriving.

      • Hey Kevin, I was considering the Pan American Hwy trip as a way to get to Brazil but also bring stuff with me. Is that a problem? The car wouldn’t be large as fuel is expensive but I have a idea how to get around that.

        Just an idea running through my head.

        • Hey, that would be an epic trip!

          I’m not sure how they’d take it coming over the boarded but due to the fact that you are a tourist, I doubt it would be an issue.

          Unless of course you had things that were “suspicious”, i.e. boxes of similar new items etc.

        • Maaan, this trip would be epic, but you’re probably not surviving it. The northern board of Brazil is no law land. Nobody rules that, and Indians, farmers and drug dealers do whatever they want. Being there and saw it. Drive through Europe or something else.

  • We sent a package to Brazil this month (Sep 2012). The recipient in Maringa was just charged R $670 for a 14 pound box of used clothes sent from LA via USPS. It took 12 days to get there. Obviously we are going to let them keep it. There were no technology items. Our packaging was not much different than what is proposed in this passage. However, with Brazil customs on strike, the agents are being pains in the %^#%$#

    • Wowww $670 for a donation box of used goods are you serious??? That makes me sick yo my stomach…the stuff im wanting to send isnt even worth that much I just wanted tomsend it to my little cousins whom are less fortunate…

    • Exact same thing just happened to me when shipping a box from LA to there. 4 lb 7 oz box with no electronics and she got slapped with paying R$270 to pick it up. I feel terrible that a gift and surprise is become a financial strap for her to accept. completely took the wow out of it and sours the taste. really really sad!

  • That is a bummer Ash!

    Definitely want to avoid any service that is related to a strike in Brazil….

    But what a small world, Maringá was the first city I lived in – we may have some common connections 😉

    Better luck next time (maybe try sending two smaller packages and with a hand written itemized receipt inside?)

  • Thanks for sharing this tip.

    My mom sent me a replacement credit card and I had to pay R$32 in taxes to pick it up. You would think they would want me to have my credit card so that I could spend more money in the country.

    Another time I had a replacement piece for my laptop sent and it was bent in 4 different places when it got to me.

    Needless to say, I'm the Brazilian postal service's biggest fan.

    • They taxed you on a credit card?! I wonder what formula they used to figure out how much to tax it?…

      Yeah, electronics are the tricky ones. Whenever someone sends something electronic, I always say to double/triple protect it, and send it in several packages to keep the value down (if possible).

      If I sent an iPhone, I would probably send the back cover/frame in one package, motherboard in another and screen in the next 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by!

    • Been waiting on a bank card to arrive for three months now. No mention of tax, just "the item has arrived to Sao Paulo, and go away annoying gringa!"

    • Rioflections 3 months? If I was you, I would just have the bank cancel it and have a new one sent.

      Have you gone beyond the Correios counter jockeys and directly to management?

    • I have canceled the card, and had another one hand delivered here in the time I've been waiting for my original one. Just interesting to see if the original package ever arrives at this point

  • My boyfriend JUST got notified about his package, and the tax was R$167, this is the second time in a row. I just sent him some stupid nick-nacks. -_- Ugh.

  • Some many great articles Kevin, good job! Unfortunately, I found out about your page late and learned through mistakes we made in regards to so many of the things you have touched on. Looking forward to reading more of your posts!

  • My friend's mom sent him peanut butter and some shirts. Total tax was R$132. For peanut butter.
    A round trip ticket with miles earned through travel hacking is $70. So its actually cheaper for me to fly back to the US and buy the peanut butter myself than to have it sent here.

    • Wow! Or even easier, just give him this recipe for making peanut butter:

      Step 1: Take a bag of peanuts
      Step 2: Pour them into a blender
      Step 3: Turn the blender on

      And there you have it!

    • You need to have a really good food processor for that to work. Or you use peanut oil to help blend it up but that tastes disgusting.

  • This is what we did, I made my hubby go to the US to bring the baby stuff, we ended up bringing lots of household equipment, including powerful blender in order to make my own almond butter. We tried to ship some pregnancy clothes for me, it took 2,5 months for the package to arrive(3-4 items), the value of it was at about 40 but they still taxed us 25 US dollars. How is this possible? It was below 50 US dollars.

    • That was good thinking Marina! But wow, 2.5 months for the package to arrive?

      You have ran into some very typical Brazilian bureaucracy, where rules can be interpreted as "grey areas" and where they don't always follow their own – that's unfortunate!

      Sometimes it's hit and miss…

  • Total should be under $50 dollars… and that total is not only the merchandise… they also count the shipment price and insurance (imposto de 60% sobre o valor dos bens constante the fatura comercial, acrescido dos custos de transporte e do seguro relativo ao transporte, se não tiverem sido incluídos no preço the mercadoria.)…… so if you had clothes priced as U$20 and the shipment was U$32 you were over the limit and will have to pay tax of 60% of the total…
    Nowadays since the shipment is almost $50 or more….the merchandise should be 'used' or have "no value".. another thing: Now they are charging almost everything when using courier service as Fedex / DHL…. and since the courier service pay the taxes for you first and charge you later you wil have no way to complain if it was a wrong tax:— This month (March2013) my friends got only one page of a document by fedex (the person that sent it to them wrote on the form a price of 20 dollars for that document)…so they charged R$ 75 of tax ( the envelope ammount including FEDEX price was over 50)…. and it was wrong because paper and books are TAX free…. My friend could refuse to pay that tax if it was sent by USPS/CORREIOS but since it was FEDEX there were no way to complain about it.
    Remember: To avoid tax: The sender and receiver cannot be a company (only person to person)…. and it must be by USPS and not Courier services.
    Best thing when sending clothes… (if its a friend/family that is sending) : wash them first… turning clothes inside out and Write on the description USED CLOTHES (Roupas usadas) and at the price write U$ 0 —
    BOOKS are TAX free (but you should send only books on that package).

    • According to the rules:
      – General descriptions such as “food,” “medicine,” “gifts,” or “clothing” are not acceptable.
      – The sender may declare that the contents have no value. However, declaring that the contents have no value does not exempt an item from customs examination or charges in the destination country.

    • Excellent information Aralk, especially about couriers, I didn't know that!

      I hope to see more of your great detailed and enlightening comments on here 🙂

    • When they tax you in the first place, there is not way to avoid paying the fee? I mean what if it actually is a package of old clothes, and they charge you? Can you not convince them if they made a mistake?

      • If you live in Brazil the customs officers do not make mistakes. To try and convince them they made one will cost you more time aggravation and probably more money. Because they do not make mistakes it is Brazilian Bureaucracy at its finest they will take to heat if you accuse them of making a mistake and you will be lucky to get your package at that point. Brazil Postal and all public service employees are never wrong learn that, It is pointless to argue with them as they make up rules as they go along

      • Ok, some info that I have not see anybody pass here in the comments and is useful…

        – It is prohibited to send to Brazil USED CLOTHES or Donations, you need to own or be a representative of a charitable organization with permission of the Brazil government and authorities to do it. That is why you all have had “used clothes” mail charged tax. The way they charge it is an overall quote of the type of product or brand (when used or if you did not declare the value of it and proved it with a receipt of purchase).
        For more information on items that you can send to Brazil check the USPS Country prohibited items.

        Guys just to explain how I know it, I am from Brazil but I left over 13 years ago, lived in Japan and now I am in the USA the last 4 years. I have lots of experience with sending and receiving things because aside from my career and college I own an online store and shipping is a thing that I perfected by necessity.

        A tip for whom wants to ship to Brazil is to include a receipt or leave it with price tags because if it is not included they will charge it based on how much it cost in Brazil rather than how much it have cost to you (remember Brazil import product are very expensive so it will be likely more than what you have paid outside of US).
        If you are send used items, just send what is really important or divide it into many packages, remember to include in your “under $50 match” the value of shipping because the $50 is for both combined.

        Brazil postal service is not that bad, the big problem is the old import and export laws that make it hard and overwhelming in bureaucracy… Remember guys, Brazil just left the state of DICTATION by the military on 1985 (officially)
        so they Brazil have a lot to learn and work on, including the import regulations and the tendency of nationalizing every single sh@#$.

        Hope it helped.

    • It depends on who you are giving them to.

      If they are sent as a donation to a non-profit with a CNPJ number, then it will be tax free.

      Though if they are sent to someone as more of a gift, then they may put a value on the package and charge tax based on this.

    • Unfortunately yes. This is due to the fact that it is worth more then 50 usd.

      Your best option is to have someone bring it to him on a flight, ask around to see who’s flying that direction.

  • I am sending my girlfriend a couple little things in a package, a shirt, chocolate, etc. but the one thing of value is a bracelet… My question is, what would happen if I didn’t state the value? Or include a reciept? Would it be better that way? It costs 380 but I don’t think they would come up with that price. If the tax is 60% plus more for sending with a courier (which I will do because I don’t trust sending to post office) then I’m going to end up paying almost 400$ in taxes??? And if that does happen.. how do I pay it so she doesn’t get asked to pay that!? If anyone has any suggestions or can help me out, I would be so appreciative. Thanks in advance.

    • My main concern would be that if it is noticeable and not declared, there is the issue of theft.

      The tax would be paid upon receipt of the bracelet to my knowledge, unless the courier allows for it to be taken care of before hand?

      I’m not sure how to advice you because it’s risky unless you declare it.

      IF it was me, I would find someone going to Brazil to take it with them and deliver it there.

      • Ok, but I’m not saying I won’t declare it.. I mean what if I don’t state the value or I state it as much less? And I don’t know anyone flying there sadly so that’s out of the question. Thanks for your help though 🙂

  • hi kevin i just wanted to know ive sent a couple of things to brazil about 2 weeks ago it got there but i have to pay $170.00 to get it out if i leave it and dont pay will they send it back i have insurance on it thank you

    • Hey Maria, In theory “yes” in practice “maybe”…

      I would ask the specific postal company you had it sent through about what you should do in that situation because maybe they need to contact the Brazilian post office.

  • Hi Kevin,

    My question is, if I am sending something to Brazil and the items are under $50USD, the person receiving the package does not have to pay for tax?

  • Hi Kevin!

    Quick question, I am thinking about sending my friend a calculator from US to Brazil. The price of the product should be about 20-25, what are the chances that my friend will get taxed for this package. Also, I will be labeling this package as gift. And if you think she will get taxed, what method do you suggest I take to send her this item?


  • Thanks for the great info everyone! So, is the consensus that we should use usps international priority or fedex/ups? Based on comments, seems that risk of taxation is same, but risk of loss may be greater with usps…thoughts?

  • I have a question. If I sent to Brazil a cell phone declaring the price for under $50 and as gift. What are the chances of being caught through customs? Why?

  • I’ve sent loads of packages to brazil and in some cases have been absolutely hammered, the most frustrating is when a gift has been sent and the price has been less than the $50 (or in in my case pounds equivalent). But when it’s been picked up by customs the haven’t used the price that was used even when proof (receipt) has been enclosed. They’ve applied what the items sells for in brazil then applied the tax, got so sick of this I tell people not to do it anymore.

  • I have one doubt..if something that you are sending from U.S. to Brazil get stuck and is needed an import tax, where does the object get stuck? At a post office at the city of the receiver or somewhere at where the goods enter Brazil?(SP capital, RJ capital or even fortaleza, IDK). THanks! 😀

  • Kelvin i really need this answer from you and the question is i work in Brasil and i send money to my father tru the western Union here eg i send 1000 reals and my father received only 700 ghana cedis. but look on the world market the reals and the ghana cedis is equal so why they charge so much when sending money. this government is very bad? Please i want to know if you know how i can send money free to my country or method tru the internet by using my credit card or my debit card to send money without any charge or a little charge because kelvin is very seriouse and much hetic man please help me. that is the biggest problem we the extrangeros (*foreingners)are having man

    • This is the best way to send money to anywhere without the secret banks charges on you.
      Just use this link and you will come back to tell me how useful it was to you.

  • Kelvin i really need this answer from you and the question is i work in Brasil and i send money to my father tru the western Union here eg i send 1000 reals and my father received only 700 ghana cedis. but look on the world market the reals and the ghana cedis is equal so why they charge so much when sending money. this government is very bad? Please i want to know if you know how i can send money free to my country or method tru the internet by using my credit card or my debit card to send money without any charge or a little charge because kelvin is very seriouse and much hetic man please help me. that is the biggest problem we the extrangeros (*foreingners)are having man

    Kelvin are you still in Brasil i work at Brasilia international airport now can we chat on other side. cos my wife is almost 3 weaks in delivery i can wait to see my peermanent permit please i need some quide lines i want to know if you are in brasil

  • Is it possible for me to buy a playstation 4 for a friend in Brazil and send it to them as a gift? Sending it through UPS or FEDEX and not usps. The item would be a gift as well, as I am not getting any money from them for it.

      • eppp okay… here is another idea….

        Let me give you a theoretical situation. Totally theoretical! ^^b

        Four months after the release of the PS4 I purchase a broken PS4 from eBay for 25 bucks. I send that broken PS4 with the eBay receipt of 25 bucks to Brazil through FED EX. Would that be okay of will it not be okay?

        (coughs, coughs)


        -Thank you for your reply ^^b

          • Dangit! WELP I tried Kevin. I tried. hahahaha… not that I was going to do that of course seeing as that was a theoretical situation…..

            Nope. Not me. Never.


  • Hey Kevin I have another question regarding to my last…

    What if I’m just honest and send the package (brand new PS4) with the receipt of how much it cost (399 plus tax) to Brazil? They can only charge taxes up to 60% of the price of the package right? I think that would be around 249.00 in taxes. So my friend would have to pay the tax and then would receive the package, correct?

    Thanks again!

    • You will be charged the tax on the transport as well and they have the right to look up the price of a PS4 and decide to tax you a higher amount. Putting a formal receipt or invoice helps a lot. PS4 are standard good so you might be charged the standard taxes. 399 plus taxes however is a right price so expect to be charged 60%. Tip: Put on the invoice a 40% discount on the real price and state that transport costs are free. You might get lucky!

  • We sent some boxes as we were planning a move here. They never got through customs and were sent be after 6 months at our expense.

  • I’ve an eletronic stuff to send to brazil and the price in US is 140 usd. If I put the real valour, my friend would pay 60% plus ? So, my friend would pay something near 84 bucks?

  • So really good teas from China, probably well over $50 worth (hey I’m a tea connoisseur and really enjoy my high quality teas over coffee), will probably make it though without any issues?

  • Kevin, I’m an amateur baseball coach. As anyone could gess, Brazil does not have any baseball sporting goods to sell for a reasonable price and expected quality. In order to continue playing ball we just thought about buying used good materials from e-bay auctions. How about that? What are the odds of being heavily charged for 30 used balls, for example?

    • Yes, they will charge as if they were new. Remember that we in brazil have a gang in the government. They wanna rob everybody . My recommendation…lie with moderation…brazilian customs are almost as outlaws as any thief on th streets.

  • Oi Kevin
    Great post. And very convenient since i will be moving permanently to SP in a couple of months and of course i have over 300 kg of stuff to ship including my baby’s apparels. I got informed at the council in my country about the suitable procedures to avoid any tax fees and they said i should translate and register a proof of residence which can explain to customs that i have never been or lived in Brazil for the past 10 years, and this will do the work.
    Please and BIG PLEASE, can u tell me if this helps.
    P.S. Stuff include clothes/shoes, food, and baby gear and baby shower shampoos, baby’s food prep appliances. Our laptops and ipad/iphones will be with us on plane
    Thank u

    • I know this message is late but there is a law in place for people migrating to Brazil for the first time. You will not be charged a tax and you can bring all of your belongings. I have no idea of the process or what the limitations are but this is what I’ve read so far while researching. I was considering moving there this last year. I thought it would be a good way to launch a business if you had enough capital, of course depending on the limitations of their so called “first time free”. Brazil is one of the most taxed nations in the world.

  • My husband is working in Rio for 6 weeks and I sent him some clothes and trailmix and protein bars via Global Priority Mail Express to his hotel. The tracking through USPS site says custom clearance for the past 8 days. How do I get in touch with Customs?

  • Hey there
    I am in New Zealand right now and i am coming back to Brazil soon and i have some questions about it. I’ve bought a lot of stuff and i don’t have space anymore in my bags, so i want to send by the post office. I need to send clothes and cosmetics, like shampoo and body lotion, things like that. It would be a medium box, like 5kg. But that would be more than 200 dollars. Is that going to be a problem and will i have to pay the tax?

    Valeu (=

  • I want to send my friend a bottle of dr. Pepper and penut butter, becasue i know he loves them and they are not easily availible in brazil. Will this cause problem and is soda a really bad idea?

  • With which shipping/freight company have you had the most luck? I know shipping through USPS is cheaper because my mother sent me a small box when I was living in Minas but it took about two months to get to me. I’d like to send a small care package to my boyfriend in Rio but I don’t want him to have to wait two months to get it.

  • Hey I was wondering, I wanted to send a small box (10in x 8in x 5in) with Lotion and Perfume.. Do you think it will be safe?

  • Kevin, Quick Question. I live in Brazil and have had issue with a IRS check getting delivered to my home. The check is coming from Texas via airmail I guess. Where can I research to find the airport and post office this letter is arriving in?

  • Hey kevin,

    I’m living in brazil for a wile and one day my phone broke down, so my dad send me a other one, but we didn’t know about the tax.

    So no my problem is that I have to pay 1000 reais for the phone to get it. Now my question to you is, if they can send it back to my country without paying the tax?

  • Kevin, many things have changed since you wrote this article. This fraudulent government is charging everyone, and your pack stays at their inspection center for one month or more with no explanations.

  • Is it not suspicious when you have a box full of goodies that’s only valued at $45? I’m sending clothes, shoes, food, toys, makeup… all gifts 🙂

  • no no no no no…i’m brazilian, and i tell you, the post office shouldn’t, but they DO tax u in packages under US$ 50,00..u can make a document to the post office, explain all the situation, cos our law allow us to receive $50 packages with no tax, but it takes 3 or 4 months to get an answer…Our government is a shame, our post office is a shame..

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    have just brought back my lost ex

    lover to me with their great spell work, I was dating this man called

    Steven we were together for a long

    time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable

    to give him a male child for 5 years he left me and told

    me he can’t continue anymore then I was now

    looking for ways to get him back and also get pregnant, until a friend

    of mine told me about this temple and gave me their contact email,

    then you won’t believe this when I contacted them on my problems they

    prepared the items and cast the spell for me and bring my lost husband

    back, and after a month I missed my monthly flow and go for a test and

    the result stated that i was pregnant, am happy today am a mother of

    a set of twins a boy and a girl, i thank the temple once again for

    what they have done for me, if you are out there passing through any

    of this problems you can contact this great Dr for help listed below:


    (1) If you want your ex back

    (2) if you always have bad dreams.

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    (5) If you want a child.

    (6) You want to be rich.

    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be

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    (10) If you can’t be able to satisfy your wife

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    low err action.

    (11) if your menstruation refuse to come

    out the day it suppose or over flows.

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    Contact him on email

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    Thank you.

    My name is jones clifford from USA .I am here to give testimony on how

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    some lucky numbers that he played in a lottery and he won. I didn’t

    believe it because I’ve worked with so many of them and it didn’t

    work. He begged me further so I decided to try this great spell caster

    called DR steve. I still didn’t believe. I used the spell he gave me

    and the next day I received a call from my darling husband Thomas last

    month. He apologized and came back to me. He even gave me 10,000USD as

    a means of compensating me. I’m very happy now. Thank you DR steve,

    You can reach him via email:princevoraspelltemple@…He can

    solve any problem like,

    (1) If you want your ex back.

    (2) you need a divorce in your relationship.

    (3) You want to be promoted in your office

    (4) You want women & men to run after you.

    (5) If you want a child.

    (6) You want to be rich.

    (7) You want to tie your husband & wife to be yours forever


    (8) If you need financial stance.

    (9) He can make you pregnancy.

    (10) He can cure you from any diseases.… contact before it will be

    too late to be handle…. and i promise he will help you

  • My name is Malina, from Netherland. I wish to

    share my testimony with the general public about

    A great spell caster called (Dr John) have done for me, this temple

    have just brought back my lost ex

    lover to me with their great spell work, I was dating this man called

    Steven we were together for a long

    time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable

    to give him a male child for 5 years he left me and told

    me he can’t continue anymore then I was now

    looking for ways to get him back and also get pregnant, until a friend

    of mine told me about this temple and gave me their contact email,

    then you won’t believe this when I contacted them on my problems they

    prepared the items and cast the spell for me and bring my lost husband

    back, and after a month I missed my monthly flow and go for a test and

    the result stated that i was pregnant, am happy today am a mother of

    a set of twins a boy and a girl, i thank the temple once again for

    what they have done for me, if you are out there passing through any

    of this problems you can contact this great Dr for help listed below:


    (1) If you want your ex back

    (2) if you always have bad dreams.

    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.

    (4) You want women/men to run after you.

    (5) If you want a child.

    (6) You want to be rich.

    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be

    yours forever.

    (8) If you need financial assistance.

    (9) Herbal care

    (10) If you can’t be able to satisfy your wife

    sex desire due or

    low err action.

    (11) if your menstruation refuse to come

    out the day it suppose or over flows.

    (12) if your work refuse to pay you, people

    owing you?.

    (13) solve a land issue and get it back.

    (14) Did your family Denny you of your


    (15) Let people obey my words and do my


    (16) Do you have a low sperm count?

    (17) Case solve E.T.C

    Contact him on email

    And get all your problems solved

    Thank you.

    My name is jones clifford from USA .I am here to give testimony on how

    I got my husband back. My husband left me for no reason 3 years ago.

    He moved in with another woman, I felt like killing myself, my life

    became very bitter and sorrowful. Then 1 day, a friend of mine told me

    about a great spell caster that is very good and, he said he gave him

    some lucky numbers that he played in a lottery and he won. I didn’t

    believe it because I’ve worked with so many of them and it didn’t

    work. He begged me further so I decided to try this great spell caster

    called DR steve. I still didn’t believe. I used the spell he gave me

    and the next day I received a call from my darling husband Thomas last

    month. He apologized and came back to me. He even gave me 10,000USD as

    a means of compensating me. I’m very happy now. Thank you DR steve,

    You can reach him via email:princevoraspelltemple@…He can

    solve any problem like,

    (1) If you want your ex back.

    (2) you need a divorce in your relationship.

    (3) You want to be promoted in your office

    (4) You want women & men to run after you.

    (5) If you want a child.

    (6) You want to be rich.

    (7) You want to tie your husband & wife to be yours forever


    (8) If you need financial stance.

    (9) He can make you pregnancy.

    (10) He can cure you from any diseases.… contact before it will be

    too late to be handle…. and i promise he will help you

  • Hi Kevin. I read your blog on shipping to Brazil. I know the need for Electronics and Computer Technology. I have a business that does Electronic/Computer Wholesaling and Drop-Shipping. Do you think it’s advantageous to do business with Brazil regarding Electronics?

  • I want to send a few presents to Brazil. One would be a rolled up watercolor painting I did for a friend. Also an 18 ct. gold ring, and perhaps a pearl ring. Would the rings be taxed !??? Would they be stolen from the shipping tube? Could they be concealed, embedded within the side of the tube station which is about 1/2 inch thick?

  • Hi Fellows! All fine!?

    Someone here know about some service or person that can recieve packages on my name in USA and send it to me here in Brazil?


  • I never use to believe in lottery winning spell until i met Dr Destiny who help me to win the lottery number, This is a great testimony on how i won $100,000 in my play lottery in the mega million lottery jackpot , I took an advice from someone called Wilson the person who talked about this great voodoo spell caster called Dr Destiny the person placed a testimonies on a blog also on a face book saying how Dr Destiny helped him win the lottery by sending him the winning number i was curious and i thought it was all joke not until i contacted this spell caster to know for myself how this work cause i have spend a lot buying tickets and i never win. I contacted him and he told me the necessary thing that need to be done and i did it and he told me to wait for 2days and truly he gave me the winning numbers to play the lottery which i did, Can you believe my name was the first among winners. He told me (my son all i need you to do for me is make sure that you share this testimonies to others so that they can also win the lottery cause i do not have much time to spell on the internet) so that is why i am sharing this testimony with you that if you want to win the lottery this is the way online tips can not help you,, i will forever be grateful to you,Email him for your own winning lottery numbers, He alone have the winning numbers to win the lottery, Because he is a gifted human being who is fully blessed to help other who are in need, All you need to do is to contact this man and make your life easy and email address: For all your problems and pains to be over i win my game,…………

  • I am planning on sending some packages to my son in Brazil, and I wasn’t sure how it all worked. I’m glad I can get it there cheaper now than I originally thought. All of the items that slip through is pretty much all I am sending, so that’s good news for me.

  • I’m trying to return something that already belongs to a person in Brazil. Is there any hope of it getting to them without having to pay 60% tax? It’s a laptop that came from Brazil to the US, broke here, and didn’t get back from the shop in time for the flight home. That’s a really hefty tax bill for something that has presumably already been taxed! And being without it for several months will really suck.
    Thinking about suggesting just selling it and buying a new one in Brazil, but there’s all of their stuff on it.

    • My advice, as a Brazilian myself, don’t send it to here! Nowadays they are putting taxes on EVERYTHING the price that they “think” it is, not the real price (of course, they put the price higher) and it could take up to 3 MONTHS to arrive or IF it arrives 🙁

  • In Manaus you are wrong about using a credit / Debit card to pay for the customs fees the post office here accepts ONLY CASH in payment for those fees.

  • Hey Kevin,

    I loved some of your posts and suggestions along with the others. Have a hard one for you, I would love to buy some paintings in the States and get them to me here. I wish it were easy to send them to Brasil directly from the Gallery, but we all now what happens there…my four paintings will turn into two after paying the taxes getting them into the country. All the options I can think of have them going thru customs and being charged the taxes except the airplane. There I figure I have a chance to walk out the airport without being stopped. Have you or do you know of someone that has done this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance – Matthew

  • Hi, how do i ship things from Asia to Brazil without incurring any taxes?
    Anyone can advise please send me a mail. thanks!

  • Kevin. My name is Jory Jewett. I have some questions connected to this type of information you have shared. My email is . O would like to make contact with you tomask you further questions

  • Hi Kevin,
    thanks for all the suggestions.
    My question is; I am going to send some essencial oils to Brazil as gift for Christmas. 6 small kits 3 5ml bottles and 1 kit bigger w/ 10 oils.
    Do you think I should send them together and save on shipping about $40.00 or send separate?
    You said I can’t declare more than $50
    do you think if I declare $50 for all they would make me pay taxe still?
    I would write Christmas gifts and put insurance.
    thanks for your advice.

    • Ideally if you are sending a gift less than $50 then you should be able to avoid tax but sometimes you can be taxed anyway, for instance, if the post office thinks the item is worth more than $50, you will be taxed even if you think the value should be less. I would spend more on sending it in separate parcels. Hopefully that works. Good luck!

  • Where do i start, i had sent a box over with clothes and a cash register which is second hand and it cost me 30 pounds, the box was full of my clothes and some kitchen spoons and so forth, to have a letter sent to my wife at the house in brazil, stating they are charging 800 real on tax, which is around 200 pounds, obviously i am not going to pay that, so they have sent that back, still to receive.

    then my tells me one of my big boxes did get through with my clothes.

    then my wife gets another letter for my second last box i sent over, full of my old clothes straight from my wardrobe, they want 495 Real, which i need to pay. as i will have no clothes when i do go back to stay.

    In all, Brazilian Customs / Government, will rip off everyone at every opportunity, for items that there is not need to charge, you could see when looking in my boxes its somebody moving back home. and even on the ticken personal use.

    If you do send by post, more in likely you will be charged a tax, does not matter if its old or new, they don’t care, and they will send it back after a couple of weeks if you do not pay.

    Corrupt Country, they only think about ripping others off, no wonder their economy is in shit. Them that are in power are worse than the robbers in the street.

    • Yep, Brazil’s economy is all about supporting products made in Brazil, whether they’re good quality or not! Anything coming into the country is taxed quite a bit to try and force people to buy locally… I agree with you, seems totally unfair! Best bet is to send products with friends who are travelling into the country via plane.

  • After sending numerous packages to Brazil I have learnt that you must accept that the Brazilian Government essentially “steals” your property that you have sent and practically re-sells it to the designated person you sent the parcel to. If you send a smelly old rag they will evaluate it to a price and want to sell that on to the receiver. It’s almost that absurd. That’s essentially how the Brazilian postal system works…. So…. If you really want to gift someone in Brazil a nice present, without them being out of pocket, wire money in to their account so they can withdraw that and use it to buy back the gift you sent them off the government. Good luck if it even gets there within 3-4 weeks.

    • Yes, anything over the value of $50 is going to be taxed at the value the Correios determine! Doesn’t seem fair at all, but that’s governments and taxation for you!

      • Also, if you want to wire money to Brazilians, Transferwise is the cheapest and fastest way (it takes just a day or two). Use this link to get your first transfer for free

  • My fiancee has made some dresses for my grandchildren. How do I ship them to the United States and not pay more than they are worth in the shipping. I am

    • Maybe you could send them separately and write ‘Presente, valor abaixo de $50’ on the box? Ultimately the person who opens the package determines the local value of the item. You should be ok.

    • If you did that, I would ensure that you don’t send the PIN or login details with it! Send those separately! Otherwise the envelope can be opened and the money stolen by whoever opens it.

  • I want send a motorbike leather suits to a customer in brazil its weight 7 kg and price 500 $…
    How much pay tax customer to got it…?

  • Hi Guys,

    Like many of you, I have also been ripped off by the excessive charges made by the Brazilian customs when sending parcels into the country.

    It appears that these charges apply regardless if the value is over or under $50/ if they are marked as a gift or not. The last parcel I sent from the UK had a maximum value of £30 (i.e under $50), was mainly commercially packaged gift food, yet was still subject to charges totaling almost twice the value of the products. After a lengthy period of exchanging emails between couriers and their agents in Brazil, they advised me that the charges where on EXPRESS PARCELS ONLY- regardless of value or sending purpose. If you send parcels using the post office, then there are no charges (which I did the first couple of occasions), but the parcels take about 2-3 months to arrive (no exaggeration). How, in 2017 with our technology, it should take so long I have no idea. Also, once parcels leave your own country it seems impossible to track them, regardless of the service purchased. There are also no charges of course, for permitted items carried with you on the plane. Why it should make any difference if you take the items or they are sent by courier I have no idea- it kind of defeats the purpose of having the taxes in the first place.

    What is most frustrating isn’t just the excessive charges (where exactly does the money go?), but the fact that parcel couriers provide poor information/ little warning about the fact your consignee will be ripped off. So in my opinion the couriers on our own domestic shores are just as bad for not warning customers in advance. Surely this is the job of the regulatory body or Trading Standards to make sure that this is clearly explained?

  • Thanks a lot Kevin for your helpful advice. I live in Oceania, and have a friend getting married in Brazil, the least thing she wants as a bride is to have to pay to receive a gift for her wedding!!!

  • I sent couple pairs of used shoes and used clothes, made a letter placed inside the box with the name of the place I was donating, I was taxed about R$ 679 over $ 200 , I don’t know how they come out with the price , but I was charged didn’t pay the taxes and never received the box back as well .
    My sister sent a fake watch a Cartier knockoff doesn’t even look original the box disappeared forever.
    I’m a Brazilian and this is a shame , so embarrassing, sorry everyone who got ripped off like me .

    • We’re sorry to hear this Sandra! Yes, registered mail might be the way to go if something looks valuable!

  • Speaking as a Brazilian, what is particularly annoying about these ridiculous taxes is that most times I want to buy something that simply is not available in the country, so I absolutely have to have it shipped. Guess what? No going around the tax. I wanted to buy a collection item valued at $116 and they want me to pay $230 (yes, DOLLARS) at customs. Just revolting.

    Not to mention, none of this money returns as services to the people, we pay the highest taxes and have to pay for private everything, from health to education to transport, because the social services are just terrible. This is just one example of the exploration we go through every single day and in every single branch of our lives.

    If you intend to come and live in Brazil I hope you’re fucking sure of what you’re doing, because the government exploits citizens so much that living here is just enraging. Seriously, think very carefully before you come. I can’t wait to leave.

    (Sorry, I’m really angry about the whole thing. If we had decent products we wouldn’t have to import stuff!)

    • Yes Giovanna, the only way around that is to travel overseas and buy while you are there, or get a friend to bring it in for you… that’s totally unfair for average Brazilians, and is all because the government want to find ways to keep the money flowing into their own pockets! Very frustrating… there is definitely a lot about Brazil that needs to change…

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